
Baby Development

Questions about the development of your baby?

Watch Dr. Mandi's YouTube Video(s) on Baby Development:




1. Latching

This is how the baby eats, so if they have difficulty latching, you can consult us or a lactation specialist. Also, if you notice your baby favors one breast over the other, this could be a sign of restrictions of movement in their neck. We can help with that.

2. Equal movement of extremities

Make sure the right arm moves as much as the left and the right leg moves as much as the left. Any imbalances could be a sign your baby needs to see a chiropractor.

3. Hands to mouth

This requires hand-eye coordination. This ability should improve over time. If it does not, this is a sign you need to talk to a pediatric specialist. Dr. Mandi can help.

4. Eye Tracking 

By the 2nd to 3rd month, baby should be able to follow the movements of you or a toy with their eyes. If they are not able to do this by the 3rd month, make an appointment with us or your pediatrician.

5. Grip

Make sure it is good and strong and gets stronger with time. Again, a weak grip, or lack of improvement of strength over time could be a sign your baby needs chiropractic care.

6. Can hold their head up (No floppy head)

Make sure your baby has enough tummy time to strengthen their neck and back muscles. While in the womb, the baby is curved with a forward "c-curved" spine. As they grow and stretch outside the womb, the spine slowly forms into the more upright favoring "s-curved" spine. Tummy time helps prepare the spine for weight bearing while crawling and walking

Top Milestones for Babies 3-6 Months Old

1.     Rolling 

Make sure baby can roll both from back to belly and belly to back.     Make sure they can do it both ways.     If they are avoiding one way, may be a sign of discomfort and muscle imbalance 

 2.     Starting to sit up 

Baby should start to be able to use their arms to support themselves in a seated position.

 3.     Starting to bear weight on their feet 

Baby is starting to get stronger but not enough to be able to bear enough weight to stand.    But if supported, they should be able to push against the ground with out their legs buckling or without going on just their tip toes.

4.     Able to reach for toys 

Watch as baby reaches for toys. Make sure they are reaching equally with both their left and right arms. If not, it could be a sign of a tight or under developing muscle.

    5.     Able to reach for their feet 

Babies at this age should be able to grab their feet. They may even stick their feet to their mouth.     Make sure it is done evenly by the left and right feet.

6.     Able to move objects from right to left hand 

Again, make sure they can hold items and pass them from one hand to the other, and back again.

 7.     Able to bring objects to their mouth 

They may start teething at this age. If they start chewing on items and drooling, they may be teething. If baby is bottle fed, baby should be able to hold the bottle to their mouth now.

 8.     Able to calm easier 

Baby is likely to be easier to sooth at this age.

9.     React to startling sounds 

 If baby reacts to sounds, this means their hearing ok. If baby does not look towards sounds or get startled by sounds, be sure to let your pediatric health care provider know.    

10.  Baby is starting to babble 

This is the age baby starts exploring the sounds of our language 

Top milestones for 6-9 month olds:

1. baby should be able to sit up on their own and not as wobbly
2. baby should be able to use both hands and reach for toys while seated
3. baby should start going from back or belly to sit up
4. baby should be starting to crawl (sometimes army crawl or scoot crawl) but let them learn this on their own (don't force them to crawl)
5. baby should be exploring objects, improved use of their hands to hold and turn objects
6. baby should be observing their environment more 7. baby should be babbling more
8. baby should be able to hold their bottle (or breast) on their own
9. baby should be starting to eat some soft solid food (with the ok of the pediatrician)

Note: they may gag or throw up while they get used to eating more solid food.

What to look out for:

1. baby favoring one side (may be weaker on one side)
2. baby not able to transfer toy from one hand to another
3. that baby is not able to push their back straight (not always hunched forward in a "c" curve)
4. that baby is not interested in different colors, textures or sounds (may have something neurological going on)
5. that baby is not imitating sounds or interested in babbling

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Drummond Chiropractic, LLC
Best Chiropractors For Your Baby in Bloomington
565 N Walnut St
Bloomington, IN 47404
(812) 336 - 2423

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