
Meet Dr. Karin Drummond

Dr. Karin Drummond Best Chiropractor

If you are looking for a female chiropractor, Drummond Chiropractic is the chiropractic clinic for you. We have three female chiropractors to chose from. Bonus, if you are an existing patient of one of the chiropractors at Drummond Chiropractic within the last three years, you can see any one of our chiropractors without a "new patient" exam fee. You will have the benefit of having multiple female chiropractors who have your back!   

Dr. Karin has over 24 years of experience yet keeps on top of current research and new techniques. Dr. Karin is known for her diagnostic skills.  One of the many things the makes us unique, "Drummond Difference", is we have Dr. Karin Drummond. If you are not responding to treatments within a few visits, Dr. Karin and her whole chiropractic expert team will get involved. If you are a patient of any of our Drummond Chiropractic chiropractors, you actually will have the whole Drummond Chiropractic Team at your disposal for the price of one. Our mission is to ensure every patient that walks in our door will find the solutions they are looking for, get the relief they need, and walk away with the knowledge on how to stay that way.

If you are looking for a chiropractor that does more than "pop" your back, who's goal is to get you well in as little treatments and as short of a time as possible, try any one of our chiropractors. We are not "jealous". We all have unique gifts be bring to the office.

Dr. Karin Drummond's Biography

On a personal note, Dr. Karin Drummond wanted to become a doctor as long as she could remember. She loved going to the doctor because they gave her yummy medicine that always made her feel better. But that changed at the tender age of 11 years old. The years of taking that yummy medicine may have helped her feel better, but it was not making her better, it was making her sick.  The years of antibiotic prescriptions for common sniffles and colds resulting in IBS so severe, she could not absorb the nutrients from the food she was eating. She went from 110 pounds to 85 pounds. She became so weak even brushing her hair was exhausting. After a year of this, the medical doctors gave her less than a few months more to live if not resolved. 

Her uncle, studying to become a chiropractor at the time, encouraged her mom to take her to a chiropractor. Her parents signed paperwork allowing her to be removed from the Hospital (promising they would not sue if she died). After see a chiropractor, eating healthier and take a few natural remedies, she felt better within a month! Ever since, nutrition, natural remedies and chiropractic has been her passion.

Dr. Karin’s Uncle took her to a seminar designed to teach chiropractors how to explain chiropractic to laypeople. When the speaker spoke about the innate ability the body has to heal the body, and how keeping the flow open between the mind and body allowed miracle healing to happen completely resonated with her. She had found her calling.

Fun fact, Dr. Karin found out during her career that her Great Grand Dad's brother, Dr. Louis Schrank, was a chiropractor. He met and married Gertrude while in Chiropractic College in San Francisco. Drs. Louis and Gertrude Schrank lived in Llano, Texas.

She graduated with distinction from the University of Victoria with a bachelor of science degree. She obtained her four-year doctorate of chiropractic degree at the University of Western States. She moved to her husband’s hometown of Bloomington, Indiana in 2000 and has made it her home. She lives at the edge of Bloomington, in the wooded country, with her husband and two teenage children. 

KD, Dr. Karin's daughter, always helped out in the office, and was our Business Coordinator. KD is now attending IU, so only helps out on occasion. Sam, our office manager, joined Drummond Chiropractic in 2015. Dr. Karin moved Drummond Chiropractic to downtown Bloomington on September 9th, 2019. Dr. Mandi and Dr. Michael McCoy joined her at her new clinic during this time. Dr. Henry joined the team in 2021. Kate, our Front Staff, also joined us in 2021. Madilyn joined us in 2022. It took years putting together our amazing team, making it the Drummond Difference it is today. The chiropractors and staff all strive to provide a WOW experience. We are proud to be ACE chiropractors (Affordable, Convenient and Effect). She has been voted her town’s number one chiropractor several times.

Passionate about living well, she keeps up with new research in the health field and practices what she preaches. Her patients have told her for years that she needed to write a book because she is such a great source of information on healthy living. Once she discovered how easy it was to publish a book, she decided to take advantage of this medium to help spread her thoughts on living well. Her first book, Top Seven Ways to Combat the Effects of Sitting, was published in 2015 and was a finalist in the 2016 Best Book Awards in the Health: Diet and Exercise category. She has published a dozen books since then, and adds a wealth of health information to YouTube, Facebook and this website. She aims to help people near and far through the web. If you have any health questions, if it is not on our website or YouTube, let us know! We will put it on our list of topics to add! 

Check out our menu "Conditions" and "Patient Resources" above to learn more about your health.

Check out our YouTube Channel to learn more:

After decades of practicing chiropractic, she still loves being a chiropractor and is passionate about helping others.

To learn more about how we treat here at Drummond Chiropractic, CLICK HERE.

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Drummond Chiropractic, LLC
Best Chiropractors in Bloomington
565 N Walnut St
Bloomington, IN 47404
(812) 336 - 2423

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Our Location: Drummond Chiropractic

565 North Walnut Street | Bloomington, IN 47404

Office Hours

Our Clinic Hours (all other times by appointment only)


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm



