
Pediatric Care (Children and Teens)

Dr. Mandi McCoy is our pediatric specialist. If you child is under 10 years old, she is the chiropractor you are looking for.

Dr. Liza Campbell is our youth sports chiropractic specialist. If your young child is in sports, Dr. Campbell is the chiropractor you are looking for.

Dr. Michael McCoy is is sports chiropractic specialist. If your child is at a collegiate level (or aims to be), Dr. McCoy is the chiropractor your are looking for.

Dr. Mandi McCoy

Pediatric Chiropractic Specialist:
When to bring in your child?

Healthy children do not experience recurring headaches, aches and pains and are not prone to sickness. If your child is not glowing with health, we can help! If you child is going through a growth spurt, that is a good time to bring them in to check their spine, to make sure it is growing straight (and not developing a scoliosis).

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Mandi

Children Conditions That
Are A Sign Chiropractic Can Help

  • Headaches
  • Sinus infections
  • Ear infections
  • Acid reflux
  • Growing pains
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Stiff neck
  • Low back pain
  • General muscle and joint pain and imbalances
  • Bed Wetting
  • W-sitting
  • Bowlegged (Venu Varus)
  • Knock-kneed (Venu Valgum)
  • Flat feet
  • Scoliosis
  • Sports injuries
  •  After injuries like a fall 
  • Post trauma
    •  Children can get whiplash too

to schedule an appointment for your child.

Growing Pains

Growing pains can be a sign that your child is deficient in Calcium, Magnesium or Vitamin D. When choosing a supplement for your child, make sure it is natural and not synthetically made, as their can be negative health consequences of taking a synthetic version of a supplement. Make sure your child's calcium supplement is not Calcium Carbonate but Calcium Citrate. Calcium Carbonate can lead to kidney stones, gall stones and hardening of the arteries.  If you are interesting in seeing brands we trust, visit

fullscript page for the best chiropractor

We have a "Favorite List" that you can explore, making finding reliable supplements easier without having to scroll through thousands of options. Fullscript is a reputable company, so when you order your supplements through them, you know you are getting the supplement from the manufacturer, versus foreign (and questionable) locations. When buying a multivitamin for your child, make sure the Vitamin E is the D-alpha-tocopherol form and not the DL-alpha-tocopherol form. A way to remember this is to say the "L" in "DL" stands for LIAR. The L version of Vitamin E can actually block the good L version from entering the body, making it worse to take the DL supplement than to take nothing at all.  

Bed Wetting

If your child continues to wet the bed after the age of five, and you have tried avoiding excess drinking before bed time, try chiropractic care. It may help, and at worst, we will verify there is nothing wrong with their musculoskeletal system. We will know within 3-6 visits if chiropractic will resolve your child's bed wetting. If the bed wetting is due to a pinched nerve impairing the sensation of having to go to the bathroom, a chiropractic adjustment will resolve it. If it is due to a nerve having to complete it's development, then eventually the child will grow out of it. Do not worry your child. Regardless, it will resolve over time. But since it can be embarrassing, why not see if chiropractic helps?

Is you child in pain?

No healthy child is in pain. If your child is complaining of headaches, neck pain or low back pain, bring them in. Usually children just need a visit or two to get well again. Without treatment, they will take longer, or worse, be left with a vulnerability that will re-express itself in their adult life. Start your child on a path of valuing the health of their bodies. Teach them not to ignore pain, but to get to the root cause of it and fix it, instead of masking it with pain pills. Pain pills are hard on the organs of the body, and and chiropractic is so good for the body.

Is Your Child In Sports?

If your child is in sports, chiropractic is effective at keep the body in top form, and less vulnerable to injury. Professional athletes see chiropractors, why not your child? We have Dr. Liza Campbell, who is a youth athlete specialist. If your child is a teenager, we also have Dr. McCoy, who is a professional athlete specialist. Some teens prefer a specific gender, and we are happy to offer both a female chiropractor, Dr. Liza Campbell, and a male chiropractor, Dr. McCoy, to be able to accommodate any teen with these sensitivities. 

Dr McCoy Chiropractic sports specialists

Anyone who is involved in any sport, should be evaluated by a sports chiropractor. That includes children, especially teenagers. Your teenager can take advantage of seeing a chiropractor trained to treat elite athletes. Any athlete will perform better with looser and stronger joints. See how either Dr. Liza Campbell and or Dr. McCoy can help your young athlete be the best athlete they can be.

Click HERE to learn about Dr. Liza Campbell

Click HERE to learn about Dr. McCoy

When to bring your teenager to a chiropractor?

preventing text neck

To keep your teeth healthy, it's good to see a dentist twice a year. Same goes with the health of your spine. Have a chiropractor keep it flexible and advice you on how to keep it strong. Today, teenagers are sitting too much, looking down at the cell phones. We are seeing degenerative changes in the spine and younger ages than ever before. We can show your teenager how to best stretch and exercise to keep their spine well for years to come. It is best to develop these good habits now. Their future selves will thank them.

release your weight

If your teenager is over weight? Under weight? We can help educate them on wellness. Diets don't work. Yes, diets will help them temporarily get to their goal weight, but at the risk of their health. Plus, you want your child to strive to be healthy, not on being "skinny" or "buff". 

BMI is old school and not an indication on how healthy you are. This is why we don't focus on weight, but on strength and flexibility. We don't calorie count or add powder supplements, but focus on eating healthy foods, and avoiding processed foods.  It is better to learn how to eat well, and develop good eating habits while they are young, so they don't struggle the rest of their life with body image issues. 

To learn more, check out our book: Release Your Weight

Teenager Conditions That
Are A Sign Chiropractic Can Help

  • Headaches
  • Acid reflux
  • Growing pains
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Stiff neck
  • Low back pain
  • General muscle and joint pain and imbalances
  • Growing pain
  • Bowlegged (Venu Varus)
  • Knock-kneed (Venu Valgum)
  • Knee pain
    • Osgood-Schlatter disease
  • Flat feet
  • Scoliosis
  • Sinus infections
  • Ear infections
  • Sports injuries
  •  After injuries like a fall 
  • Post trauma
    •  Teenagers can get whiplash too


Whiplash and Teenagers

Many teenagers report that they "feel fine" after a car crash. Just because they are asymptomatic, does not been they are well. Have them checked out by a chiropractor. 

Make sure their range of motion of their spine is not impaired, which can lead to early degenerative processes down the road.  

Teenagers generally respond quickly to chiropractic. Even if they are experiencing whiplash, they generally heal more quickly than their adult counter parts. 

Have peace of mind. Bring your teenager in for an evaluation if they have been involved in a car crash.

What a chiropractic treatment for a preteen looks like.

to schedule an appointment for your teenager.

To learn more about how we treat here at Drummond Chiropractic, CLICK HERE.

To go back to our home page, CLICK HERE.


Drummond Chiropractic, LLC
Our Pediatric Chiropractic Specialist is Dr. Mandi McCoy

She is the best chiropractor on our team for your child.
565 North Walnut Street,
Bloomington, IN 47404

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Make an appointment today!

Our Location: Drummond Chiropractic

565 North Walnut Street | Bloomington, IN 47404

Office Hours

Our Clinic Hours (all other times by appointment only)


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm



